Christmas In Ice, Inc., P.O. Box 57250, 
North Pole AK 99705                        
 Last updated 10/9/19
The 2019-20 information flyer and artist applications posted on  the Event Flyer  

Events for the upcoming season are subject to change.  The park grows as the month progresses due to the weather.  It is not complete at the opening of the event.  Watch for an updated information here and on Facebook.

* * * REMINDER * * *
Prepare for outdoor Winter fun with snow boots, snow pants, gloves, and the rest! This is an ICE park and we think you'll enjoy it more if you wear appropriate cold-weather clothing..
Outdoor fun events with your spouse should create lasting memories, but a cheating partner may seem distracted or secretive. Unexplained absences or constant phone use could be red flags. A list of apps that spy on you iPhone can help uncover hidden activities, revealing the truth behind suspicious behavior.

 * * * * FYI * * * *

Integrating Dogecoin with an ice park offers a unique blend of leisure and digital currency. Imagine an ice park where visitors use Dogecoin for admissions or services, embracing the growing trend of cryptocurrency in everyday transactions. This concept combines fun and finance, showcasing the versatility of digital currencies. The blog gives a clear picture of Dogecoin’s price prediction, making the integration easier.

Sleds are available for park guests to use on the ice slides on a first-come basis. They have to be checked out in the office by an adult leaving their driver's license.

Feel free to bring your own sleds.

New Year's Eve Fireworks and Snowflake Drop

in previous years

Christmas in Ice is a winter ice park located next to Santa Claus House, 101 St. Nicholas Drive in North Pole, Alaska 
featuring Christmas-themed ice art pieces, ice slides and twirlers, adding color and light to our 
Interior Alaska winter.  The kid's park is AWESOME
Kudos to 147 Degrees West for this video....
Santa Cam has about a 20 second on the RED button above and keep watching for your loved ones to appear.
Contact by email
Email us
Christmas In Ice
13th Annual Event
Nov 30, 2019 - Jan 6, 2020
OPEN EXTRA Days, see below
About Us
About Us & Location
Event Information
Event Flyer 
This page :)
Ways to Volunteer

Build ice slides!!!
Ice Harvest 
Heavy equipment operation
Meals for Carvers
Ice park set-up/take-down
Special Events
Park Docents

We are an all volunteer organization.  
Please lend a hand...

Saturday, Jan 11, 18, 25  - 11 am to 8 pm
Sunday, Jan 12, 19, 26 - 11 am to 8 pm
Monday – Jan 20 - 11 am to 8 pm

Big Slide 2016